Wednesday, August 05, 2009

August 5

We met at Dora's today for coffee and show-and-tell.

Dora, Kath, Kathy, Elsie, Dorothy, Tina, Shirley and Lisa were there.

A while back, Dora gave us a class on how to applique. She used flip flops as her example. She made hers into a pot holder.

The last time we met, we made balls and bags. Kathy S really liked them and proceeded to make lots.

Kathy S working with denim.

Kathy S's creation using donated pre-cut fabrics.

Dora made several different sized balls after our last meeting.

This will be a possible day project for us in the future.

We are also considering a day to make aprons.


One of those Pauls people said...

Double Wedding Ring on Denim! Interesting idea, but if I was to go to that work, I don't think I'd use denim. I'd love to see a finished one.

Lisa said...

It's actually not a double wedding ring, although it does look it. After it's washed it turns ragged edge.